Sample Size Calculation Workshop (November 8)


Sample Size Calculation Workshop (November 8)
Using free software for sample size & statistical power calculations

WHAT IS G*POWER? G*Power is a free statistical software package for power and sample size analysis. It offers point-and-click functionality and covers a wide variety of statistical tests.

In this 1-day workshop, concepts of statistical power and relevant statistical tests are covered in a non-technical way. Designed to be hands-on, the workshop focuses on the practical application of statistical methods. There will be plenty of opportunities to access in-class support.


• understanding statistical power and the factors that influence it
• using G*Power to:
           o optimise sample sizes
           o calculate effect sizes
           o graphically display results for power analyses
• t-tests
• Chi-squared tests
• F-tests, including ANOVA fixed effects and repeated measures.


Researchers and HDRs – especially those involved in the health sciences, life sciences and psychological sciences – or anyone who wants to learn about statistical power and sample size analysis.


A basic knowledge of statistics is helpful but not essential. No prior experience using G*Power is assumed.

Registration Details:

Date:November 8, 2024 9:00 AM -3:30 PM

Venue:• Physical Sciences 2, Room 330 (Kurt Gödel Lab), Kingsbury Drive, La Trobe University, Bundoora 3086
• Zoom.

Cost:• LTU students: $180
• LTU staff: $250
• non-La Trobe: $825 (includes GST).

Registration Deadline:Registrations close November 6, 2024. Places are limited so register early. Cancellations/Refunds are accepted up to 48 hours prior to the workshop.

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